About Agriculture in the Tajima Area

Basic Data (As of the 2021 Fiscal Year)
Agricultural Output in Tajima Region¥93.7billionSource: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries - Agricultural Output by Municipality (Fiscal Year 2021)
Total Number of Farms in Tajima Region9,839householdsSource: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries - 2020 Agricultural and Forestry Census
Cultivated Area in Tajima Region5,936hectaresSource: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries - 2020 Agricultural and Forestry Census
Livestock Industry Output in Tajima Region¥111.6billionSource: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries - Agricultural Output by Municipality (Fiscal Year 2021)
JA (Japan Agricultural) Special Product Production Status (According to JA Tajima)

Rice (Harvested Quantity)

Tajima Peppers

Asakura Sansho (Japanese pepper)

Beef Cattle (Breeding Headcount)

Beef Cattle (Beef Breeding Headcount)
※ Collected Amount in the 4th year of Reiwa (2022)."